X? s? Ronglong h?m nayPregnancy is the first step of a woman towards motherhood. The Mother and Child Centre at our hospital is designed with an aim to provide the mother and child a safe, conducive and infection free environment where she can bring her bundle of joy to this world in a joyful ambience.
Our mother and child centre offers a very neat and clean ambience where the entire family would love to gather at this moment of happiness within the family.
Types of Normal Delivery
Spontaneous:X? s? Ronglong h?m nay when a pregnant female goes into labor without the use of drugs or techniques to induce labor.
Assisted or Instrumental:X? s? Ronglong h?m nay when a pregnant female goes into labor with the use of drugs or techniques to induce labor and requires the use of special instruments to deliver the baby.
Induced:X? s? Ronglong h?m nay when drugs or manual techniques are used to initiate the process of labor.
The Gynaecologist will evaluate you in the labor and delivery area and once it is certain that you are indeed in labor, you will be admitted to the hospital. While you are in labor, your cervix dilates progressively and the gynaecologist at hospital will examine the vitals of the baby at regular intervals. Once the cervix is dilated to an optimal extent, the gynaecologist will ask you to push the baby out. Your pushing, along with the force of your contractions, will propel your baby through the birth canal.
X? s? Ronglong h?m nayAs soon as your baby’s head comes out, your doctor will suction amniotic fluid, blood, and mucus from his or her nose and mouth. You will continue to push to help deliver the baby’s shoulders and body. Once your baby is delivered, your doctor clamps and cuts the umbilical cord. After that you will also deliver the placenta, the organ that nourished your baby inside the womb. Normal Delivery requires a lot of patience on part of the doctor and the mother but it is always the preferred mode of giving birth. C-Sec Delivery should not be the firtst choice for either the doctor or the mother.
Dr Neha Chandra is one of the most experienced doctor when it comes to Delivery whether normal or cesarian section. The package for Normal Delivery is Rs. 45000 in a Single Room. At Siddh Hospital we have the same package for both the normal and the C-Sec Delivery so that there is no preference on the part of the doctor or the hospital to do unnecessary C-Sec Deliveries. We promote normal delivery to the extent to which it is possible without putting the mother’s or baby’s life to risk.
X? s? Ronglong h?m nay Cashless facility is available for the insurance card holders. However most of the individual health insurance policies do not cover maternity. The corporate group insurance policies sometimes cover maternity and in such cases you can either avail cashless facility or get the bill reimbursed from the insurance company. For query please whatsapp at +91-6396852220 or email at [email protected]